January 1, 2012

Day 6: A picture of something that makes you happy

So. Many. Things. In this life make me happy. Get ready for blog-splosion.

Dancing makes me happy. Dancing to Phantom makes me happier. Yes, that's me.

Dancing to Smoke Gets In Your Eyes made me so happy I couldn't stand it. She was cute.

More Phantom-y goodness.

She was so beautiful in this role.

Dancing to Boogie Shoes with her was SO MUCH FUN.

Our Boogie Shoes made me so happy I could die.

Zelda, in all its forms, makes me happy.

Scientific humor makes me happy.

Oppressive religious humor makes me happy.

Gay related humor at the expense of an idiot presidential candidate makes me happy.

Not sure where this came from, but it makes me happy.

ZOMG. Kitties make me happy!

Especially this one! SO HAPPY!

Tanner Cohen makes me happy.

So. Very. Happy.

Tanner Cohen being my boyfriend would make me so happy I could explode.

Taylor Lautner makes me happy, even if this People cover is fake. (But let's be honest, he's really gay.)

Two things here make me happy: Kissing boys, and protesting bigots.

Bromance makes me happy!

Nerdy boys make me happy.

Zachary Quino, AKA Spock, makes me happy! (He's gay, y'all!)

Although whats-her-face Black doesn't make me very happy, the thought of her going to Hufflepuff does!

This would make me happy if it ever happened...

This makes me happy, because that's totally me.
Zefron. Zefron makes me happy...

Zefron again. Yes, that's him on the right. So. Happy.

Okay folks. Thanks for bearing with me there. But that's just a small taste of what makes me happy. I try to love life as often as I can because choosing to hate everything just makes you sad.

You make me so happy,

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