May 14, 2011

"... And I'm Gay" ... So what?

I posted this rant on Facebook a couple of weeks ago. As promised:

I've been a Customer Service Representative. In my very first job, I ran midway games at Lagoon. Then I was a Courtesy Clerk for Albertsons. Then I was a cashier at my college. And now I'm a server at a restaurant and a valet at a hospital. It took me five years to realize it, but I've always been the face of any company I've ever worked for. Usually, the first thing a customer (or patient) has ever seen when walking into the establishment is me. So I try to make that experience the best for them. I love to make people around me happy, whether I know them or not. I'm a son, a brother, a friend, a lover... So why should I care that you are Mormon? That's right, I don't.

I have nothing against Mormons. I don't, honestly and truly. I'm uncomfortable having a religion (or any sort of opinion) forced on me, but that's the extent of my qualm. I understand that these "... And I'm a Mormon" ads are trying to portray Mormons as your average Joe, Jane, or family, but if you want someone to think you are normal, the presentation of this ad is NOT the way to do it. You don't see "... And I'm (Catholic/Buddhist/Protestant/Muslim/Episcopalian/Taoist/Jewish)" ads, do you?

A lot of gays will tell you that being gay is not who I am, it's just a part of me. (And then some will turn right around and be as stereotypical gay as humanly possible and make you think... "Nope, pretty sure your true blue gay through and through.) But these ads are basically saying that being Mormon is just that... Being Mormon. Granted, the ad says "AND I'm Mormon," so the "but" rule doesn't apply (when someone says [insert positive review of some subject here] BUT [insert negative review of same subject here], the BUT basically tells the mind to throw away the first portion of the statement {e.g. "I love you, BUT you're irritating."}), BUT!!! I feel like it is the same basic principle. If I were to have designed this ad, I would have said "I'm a Mormon, BUT I'm also a doctor, a teacher, a dad, blah-di-fuckety-blah..." to let the world know that, yes, I hold to these beliefs, BUT I am a regular person, just like you.

In short, if I ever see another "... And I'm Mormon" ad, I'm going to (figuratively) kill someone. That's my rant for the evening/really early morning. Good night... or day... or whatever...

That's gay...

So I've recently come out... sort of...

I decided it was high time to reveal that I was interested in men on Facebook. I actually did this about a month or so ago, but I didn't have the blog then. Let me tell you what happens when you are male interested in men on Facebook... Oh my god, so many GLBT (but mostly G) ads all up and down your side bar... and I'm starting to get sick of it. I almost miss the "... And I'm Mormon" ads... I said almost... What the fuck, that's a lie... I'll have a post about that later...

Anyway, ever since then, not a Facebook sesh has gone by that I haven't seen at least five ads for If you're familiar with any online dating site, you know that your first .0004 seconds is free, then they rape your credit card so you can see who your "Most Compatible" are. SpeedDate is no different. You join for free, create your account, and start browsing. All hunky-dory, right? Until you get a notification from Joe Bob Jr. who has winked at you. "Joe Bob Jr. has winked at you! Reply now?" Well, you think, he's good looking... Sure why not. *click* "Joe Bob Jr. only likes to talk to people who have verified their account. For only $.50 per month, you can be verified and view Joe Bob Jr.'s account!" Well, you think, 50 cents isn't that expensive... Sure why not. *10 minutes of entering your entire life's story into some verification page later* "Thanks Ashton! Here is Joe Bob Jr.'s account! Would you like to message Joe?" Well, you think, he seems like a good guy... Sure, why not. "Ashton, for only $39.95, you can message any of our members and start finding your soul mate today!" Now wait just a fucking second, you think, all of these hoops and now you want to charge me the same price as a gym membership? Fuck this, I'm going to Connexions... *another 20 minutes of unsubscribing and deleting your "membership" later* "But wait, Ashton, before you delete your account (please note, we will still keep you on record and e-mail you from time to time, no matter how many times you unsubscribe, just to piss you off), don't you want to at least try us out? Remember, with out us, you will be sad and alone for the rest of your life..." Excuse me, you think, how dare you? *throw computer out the window and go into the world and meet real people*

I'm sorry, I shifted from having my Facebook page stereotyping me as your run-of-the-mill homosexual to how infuriating dating sites can be. Shifting back..... Now. I can't even remember what Facebook used to advertise... But maybe it's time to start doing to these damn SpeedDate ads what I did to the damn "... And I'm Mormon" ads: "X" "Offensive" Nuff said.

May 13, 2011

I dig the blog scene...

Actually, I'm brand-spankin-new... So if anyone would be so kind as to help a kid out, thanks.

I created this blog to get some of my rants out, most of which are much too long for a Facebook status. I'll also do reviews, commentaries... other blog-y stuff.