December 30, 2011

Day 5: A song to match your mood.

Who wrote this list? I feel like I'm doing one of those stupid junior-high chain e-mails (yes, e-mail really did exist at one point) "OMG, like, answer all the questions, then, like, forward to all of your friends, so they can, like, tell you all about themselves, and you can all, like, be, like, creepy stalkertypes!"... Coincidentally, I loved those.

I'm having a hard time with this one, because sometimes I don't know what kind of mood I'm in... I'd really like to tell you that something from Evanescence or Within Temptation (both of them gothic rock, FYI) because I'm in a power screamy mood, but that's because it's 12:20 AM, I've slept like shit for days, I worked both jobs today, and I got stood up on my date (but don't worry, he redeemed himself by inviting me to a rain-check lunch tomorrow... today... Saturday...). Then, I'd like to tell you that something Michael Buble is what I'm feeling, because no matter what mood I'm in, I can listen to a shuffle of all 6 albums in my possession (obsessed...) and I'm instantly just fine. I hesitate to say anything by Lady Gaga, because, let's face it, that would be gay, and I'm not feeling particularly beautiful, dirty, or rich right now.

Okay, I have one. This song took me ages to actually start to like, but I can't stop listening to it now. It's called "I'll Never Be Lonely Again" by Ludo, and it goes a little something like this:
Now, I'm not saying this because I'm feeling lovey at the moment (who could, after being stood up by a really cute guy...?) but because I just really, really, really like this song. It doesn't necessarily match my mood, but it puts me in one that I feel at peace with everything, and that's how I'd like to feel the most often.

Peace be unto you,

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