December 16, 2011

Thank you Jerry Sandusky

Here we go. The GOP is having a field day with this Jerry Sandusky thing. "You see?" says Michelle Bachman. "I told you!" says Mitt Romney. "All homosexuals are bestial and child molesters!" says Rick "Ignorant Shitface" Santorum.

No Michelle, no Mitt, no Rick. We're not. Jerry Sandusky isn't homosexual. He is a monster. Anyone who would prey on children, TEN-YEAR-OLD CHILDREN, regardless of gender, is a monster. I don't even know where this "Gays are child molesters" idea came from! I've tried to research it but nothing really comes up except radical right-wing propaganda. I can only imagine that it was people like Jerry Sandusky that began that nasty little rumor. He's married and as six adopted children and has taken in foster children as well (hide yo' kids, hide yo' wife), and in his free time likes to sodomize little boys in the locker room of Penn State, leading to the termination of the president of the school (because he knew or something?), and the riots of Penn State students and staff.

So thank you Jerry Sandusky. You've made it even more difficult for me to get married someday, adopt a kid, and avoid public scrutiny that I may or may not be molesting him/her. Thank you so very much.

Much less respectful than usual,

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