December 26, 2011


My bad... This blog is starting to go in the same direction as my YouTube channel: I'm really good at posting regularly for a little while, then it slowly peters to nothing... but I really do need to make a video soon... hmm...

Anyway. Santa was very good to me this year. I got a Nintendo 3DS and... some other stuff... but nothing really else mattered comparatively because I GOT A 3DS!!! I'm also in the "Awkward Texting" phase of what could be a new relationship. That's the phase between "Introduction/Number Swap" and "First Date". I'm hoping to meet him before this, but we're going to EVE together, which is a New Years Eve celebration that spans over 3 evenings. He seems pretty excited. I'm excited.

He's hot.


I really don't have much to say after that... I promised Facebook that I would do a rant about how bullied homosexuals are not just being bullied by homophobes but by other homosexuals as well, but at the time I was a lot more angry than I am now. I also talked to my mom, which is what I do when I'm totally lost, and she enlightened me on a few things. I was feeling super judged the night that I promised this rant. I walked past at least three obviously homosexual men at work the other day. I looked really good, especially because my uniform is basic black. All three turned their noses up at me... Not sure what that was about, but I was pissed. So I finished my shift and when crying to mom. I told her my story and she said this to me: "How do you know they were judging you? You're making a judgment of them, and a poor one, by thinking that. And who are these people anyway? Strangers on the street you'll never see again. So why should their opinions matter? You should only be upset when someone you know judges you harshly, and not because you've been judged, but because it's time then to disassociate with them."

My mother is the smartest person I know.

Judge me not, or do, because it doesn't matter,

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