December 18, 2011

Rick Perry: people actually support this man?

First, watch this:

His presidential ad, titled "Strong", is a load of crock. "... there's something wrong with this country when gays can openly serve in the military, but our kids can't openly celebrate Christmas, or pray in school." He's trying to compare apples to oranges here. We've all heard the GOP's DADT argument: "Gays shouldn't be able to openly serve because it's a distracting influence." "Homosexuality is an infectious disease." "We don't want our men romping in the trenches in the middle of a firefight." Blah blah frickety-blah. How exactly does that apply to our kids not being able to celebrate Christmas or pray in school?

My sisters have come home from school every day for the last two weeks with little informative activities detailing the different end-of-year holidays of mainstream religions: Christianity (Christmas), Judaism (Hanukkah), Islam (Ashura), and Buddhism (Bodhi Day). They even came home with a little page on Yule, which is a Pagan religion. HOLY SHIT, RICK PERRY, THEY'RE TEACHING MY SISTERS ABOUT WITCHCRAFT!!! Obviously they're not trying to convert my little sisters to Paganism, just as much as they're converting them to be Jewish, Muslim or Buddhist. I feel blessed that my sisters get to go to a school that would be so open minded about other religions, considering the predominant religion of the area is Mormonism (three guesses where I live).

I'm an advocate for keeping prayers out of schools. That may sound like I'm a cold, atheist bastard who hates Jesus, and that's okay, because I don't care what you think about me. Rick Perry is acting like the only religion in this country is Christian, which, once again, demonstrates his small- and narrow-mindedness (read "idiocy"). I tried to Google "How many religions are represented in the USA," and couldn't find a definite answer. And that's good. It means that America is a truly diverse country. We have many, many, MANY sects of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, "Jainism, Shinto, Taoism, Caodaism, Thelema, Wicca, SanterĂ­a, Rastafari movement, Heathenism, Kemetism, Paganacht, Hellenism, Asatru, Theodism, Odinism, Religio Romana, Druidry, Zoroastrianism, Jediism and many forms of New Age spirituality", just to name a few, and those who choose not to believe in anything at all. There is nothing wrong with that. To expect prayer in school would mean that everyone present would have to pray at the same time, probably in the same manner, most likely to the same deity, no doubt with a teacher or child at the front of the class, praying for the rest. But different religions have different prayers. They pray at different times and in different ways. Prayer was taken out of schools for this reason. Oh, and because public schools are government establishments (separation of church and state, bitch. Suck it!).

And speaking of separation, Rick mentions something along the lines of the government withdrawing funding for churches... Uh, duh, the government shouldn't have to fund religion. Hence, separation.

My point? I forgot. But Perry is an idiot.

Love and sodomy,

Oooh, so it was a biography... That would explain why he started going by Rick all of a sudden...


  1. So I like how Rick Perry says something along the lines of the nation returning to the values of our heritage, implying that this is Christianity. It makes me nervous that someone who is running for president knows so little about the roots of our county. We were all about zero religious ties to the government. I think any person running for president who mentions religion at all should be out of the running.

  2. Suggestion: Make your font larger and perhaps a different color. It's difficult to read.

  3. JennaRae, It's disturbing. I think I remember reading that the founding fathers were Christian, but this country wasn't founded on religion. Suck it Rick.
    Sheraya, Thank you for your kind words and feedback!! Better now?
