Who wrote this list? I feel like I'm doing one of those stupid junior-high chain e-mails (yes, e-mail really did exist at one point) "OMG, like, answer all the questions, then, like, forward to all of your friends, so they can, like, tell you all about themselves, and you can all, like, be, like, creepy stalkertypes!"... Coincidentally, I loved those.
I'm having a hard time with this one, because sometimes I don't know what kind of mood I'm in... I'd really like to tell you that something from Evanescence or Within Temptation (both of them gothic rock, FYI) because I'm in a power screamy mood, but that's because it's 12:20 AM, I've slept like shit for days, I worked both jobs today, and I got stood up on my date (but don't worry, he redeemed himself by inviting me to a rain-check lunch tomorrow... today... Saturday...). Then, I'd like to tell you that something Michael Buble is what I'm feeling, because no matter what mood I'm in, I can listen to a shuffle of all 6 albums in my possession (obsessed...) and I'm instantly just fine. I hesitate to say anything by Lady Gaga, because, let's face it, that would be gay, and I'm not feeling particularly beautiful, dirty, or rich right now.
Okay, I have one. This song took me ages to actually start to like, but I can't stop listening to it now. It's called "I'll Never Be Lonely Again" by Ludo, and it goes a little something like this:
Now, I'm not saying this because I'm feeling lovey at the moment (who could, after being stood up by a really cute guy...?) but because I just really, really, really like this song. It doesn't necessarily match my mood, but it puts me in one that I feel at peace with everything, and that's how I'd like to feel the most often.
Peace be unto you,
December 30, 2011
December 29, 2011
Day 4: My parents
Oh dear... Day four. I'm doing this one early because I'm not going to be home at all today, but it's okay, because it's technically day four anyway.
In Day Three, I explained to you a bit about how much I love my mother. SO MUCH. I'm a momma's boy, and proud of it. She would bend over backwards for me, and has proved as much time and time again. My mother is an earth spirit. She's very homey, she likes nature, she likes to craft. She loves her 50+ chickens almost as much as she loves her kids. And I mean kids as in baby goats (seriously, I live on a freaking farm...). And she loves them almost as much as she loves her children. And she loves all of them so much more than she loves her husband.
My dad is a little more complicated. We get along over random stuff. Fixing my car, shooting, building stuff, playing arcade games (usually some kind of shooter). Typical guy stuff. When he can pretend I'm straight is when we get along the most. I think that's where our relationship hits the road bump. He knows. I know he knows. And he knows that I know that he knows. But he (and I blame the military for this) is so strictly Don't Ask Don't Tell, that he won't bring it up, and I'll be damned if I'm going to say anything until I am absolutely ready to be disowned by him. I don't think it would be that extreme, but I know the day that I have to tell him, shit will hit the fan. Like I said, I blame the navy for so many things: his narrow-mindedness, his short temper, his ill patience, his need to run the family like a militaristic dictatorship. Nightmare. However, on most days, I don't hate my dad, and, on most days, he doesn't hate me... but we have our moments.
Momma's boy, through and through,
In Day Three, I explained to you a bit about how much I love my mother. SO MUCH. I'm a momma's boy, and proud of it. She would bend over backwards for me, and has proved as much time and time again. My mother is an earth spirit. She's very homey, she likes nature, she likes to craft. She loves her 50+ chickens almost as much as she loves her kids. And I mean kids as in baby goats (seriously, I live on a freaking farm...). And she loves them almost as much as she loves her children. And she loves all of them so much more than she loves her husband.
My dad is a little more complicated. We get along over random stuff. Fixing my car, shooting, building stuff, playing arcade games (usually some kind of shooter). Typical guy stuff. When he can pretend I'm straight is when we get along the most. I think that's where our relationship hits the road bump. He knows. I know he knows. And he knows that I know that he knows. But he (and I blame the military for this) is so strictly Don't Ask Don't Tell, that he won't bring it up, and I'll be damned if I'm going to say anything until I am absolutely ready to be disowned by him. I don't think it would be that extreme, but I know the day that I have to tell him, shit will hit the fan. Like I said, I blame the navy for so many things: his narrow-mindedness, his short temper, his ill patience, his need to run the family like a militaristic dictatorship. Nightmare. However, on most days, I don't hate my dad, and, on most days, he doesn't hate me... but we have our moments.
Momma's boy, through and through,
Day 3: My first love.
This is a laugh, and sorely disappointing, for us both. I've been in three serious relationships (and two other not-as-serious, but those don't matter). In all three, the L word (not "lesbian," or "lesbians") was used at one point or another.
In my last relationship, I refused to say it until I knew I meant it, because I knew if I did, I'd be saying it because I wanted to mean it, not because I really did. So I waited. And waited... Aaaaand waited. Finally, the time seemed right to say it. And I did. And for a brief, shining moment, I thought I was in love... But, alas, I was not. So I can't say that any one person was my first love. Not in that sense, anyway.
No, my story, on this glorious Third Day of Band-Wagon Blogging is of the first time I honestly, truly, learned to love and respect my mother. Of course you love your mom from the first momentyou peek from her she holds you in her arms and offers you her swollen feeds you. But I feel like that's the kind of unconditional "I love you because I have to" love, like the relationship I share with my dad. All my life, my mom was my biggest fan, and I loved her, more than unconditionally. She was there in my ups and downs, she was then when I fell to help me up, etc. But I only realized how much she meant to me after my first year of college (which was also about the time I finally came out to her.) I don't know what clicked, but the first summer I was back, we were inseparable. Thick as thieves. It was really fun, and I was almost sad to go back to school. I wish I could give you an exact moment, an event where I realized, "This is the most intelligent, loving, caring, wonderful woman in the world and I'm lucky to have her as my mother," but I can't. It was a gradual thing.
Anyway, my point being, the first time I was truly aware of my capability to love was toward my mother, and I hope that I can feel similarly (but not the same, obviously, that would be creepy...) toward that special person in my future.
Much, much, MUCH love,
In my last relationship, I refused to say it until I knew I meant it, because I knew if I did, I'd be saying it because I wanted to mean it, not because I really did. So I waited. And waited... Aaaaand waited. Finally, the time seemed right to say it. And I did. And for a brief, shining moment, I thought I was in love... But, alas, I was not. So I can't say that any one person was my first love. Not in that sense, anyway.
No, my story, on this glorious Third Day of Band-Wagon Blogging is of the first time I honestly, truly, learned to love and respect my mother. Of course you love your mom from the first moment
Anyway, my point being, the first time I was truly aware of my capability to love was toward my mother, and I hope that I can feel similarly (but not the same, obviously, that would be creepy...) toward that special person in my future.
Much, much, MUCH love,
December 28, 2011
It's everyone's favorite game!
Yes, it's the 30 days of bloggity blog game. Here's the agenda:
Day 1: Introduce, recent picture of yourself, 15 interesting facts
Day 2: Meaning behind your blog name
Day 3: Your first love
Day 4: Your parents
Day 5: A song to match your mood
Day 6: A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 7: Favorite movies
Day 8: A place you've traveled to
Day 9: A favorite picture of your best friend
Day 10: Something you're afraid of
Day 11: Favorite tv shows
Day 12: Something you don't leave the house without
Day 13: Goals
Day 14: A picture of you last year - how have you changed?
Day 15: Bible verse
Day 16: Dream house
Day 17: Something you're looking forward to
Day 18: Favorite Place to Eat
Day 19: Something you miss
Day 20: Nicknames
Day 21: Favorite Picture of yourself ALL TIME Why?
Day 22: What's in your purse?
Day 23: Favorite Movie
Day 24: Something you've learned
Day 25: Put your iPod on shuffle, first 10 songs
Day 26: Your Dream Wedding
Day 27: Original Photo of the city you live in
Day 28: Something that stresses you out
Day 29: 3 Wishes
Day 30: a picture of yourself this day and 5 good things that happened since you started the challenge
So I'll start by introducing myself, though I'm pretty sure my current readers already know who I am. My name is Ashton, I'm 21, six foot two, 220 lbs, I like long walks anywhere and everywhere, getting flowers, and almost any kind of food.
Recent picture:
And 15 facts... oh God...
1. Even though I haven't done it for about 6 months, I really like to do Aerial Silks. (Not me, duh, just an example.)
2. I love to do any kind of dance. Put some music on, and I will move to it.
3. I cry. About everything. It's stupid, but it happens.
4. My bedroom is always messy. Sometimes I'll get fed up with the mess and clean it, but it won't stay that way for long. I can't figure out why...
5. I'm a Ravenclaw.
6. I own six pairs of thermal underwear, and in the winter, I'm always wearing at least one under my pants. I can be cold, but I prefer not to be.
7. My favorite season is Fall, followed by Winter, Spring, and Summer.
8. My two favorite holidays are Halloween and Christmas.
9. When I meet someone new, or have the opportunity to, and this person could play out into my romantic life, I go anywhere, do anything, use anyone to meet/see/get to know them. I'm sorry if that's bitchy, but I know what I want and I know how to get it.
10. The only people I allow to be facebook friends with me are those I feel are going to be important to my life.
11. I'm a writer, and though I currently have five novels in mind, only scraps of one are saved on my computer so far.
12. I was born and raised LDS, fell away, studied tons of religions, found God, and then realized that religion wasn't right for me. I'm still spiritual, and I'm very comfortable with my relationship with God, and I don't need religion to tell me how to worship.
13. I have a hard time with forgiving and forgetting, toward myself and others. There are things I've said and done that nobody would remember, that I'm still not proud of. I'll say I'm over it, but there was something that happened over two years ago that still hurts to this day, and I don't know why.
14. I work at a hospital. I've seen things you can't even imagine. I've carried things you never knew existed inside of you. And I've driven an ambulance. Several times. Boom.
15. I'm royalty, and I will treat myself as such at all times. My favorite color, therefore, is purple.
I'm also going to give you day two because I'm going to try to keep up with Scotty and Lisha (yes, THAT Scotty and Lisha!)
My blog takes its name from Nathaniel Hawthorn's The Scarlet Letter. Duh. I actually agreed to read the book out of sheer vanity, because Scarlet appears in my name. In the classic book, Hester Prynne is discovered to be an adulteress, though she will not reveal the name of the father of her newborn child. She is therefore punished by being forced to wear a scarlet letter A across her bosom. During the course of the book, the letter A begins to stand less for Adulterer and more for Angel, due to her deeds she performs throughout her village. In my letters, I hope to take words and topics that are frowned upon, and transform them into something that can be openly talked about. I want my words to reach the masses and to open their hearts and minds.... that's my story.
Jumping on the band wagon,
Day 1: Introduce, recent picture of yourself, 15 interesting facts
Day 2: Meaning behind your blog name
Day 3: Your first love
Day 4: Your parents
Day 5: A song to match your mood
Day 6: A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 7: Favorite movies
Day 8: A place you've traveled to
Day 9: A favorite picture of your best friend
Day 10: Something you're afraid of
Day 11: Favorite tv shows
Day 12: Something you don't leave the house without
Day 13: Goals
Day 14: A picture of you last year - how have you changed?
Day 15: Bible verse
Day 16: Dream house
Day 17: Something you're looking forward to
Day 18: Favorite Place to Eat
Day 19: Something you miss
Day 20: Nicknames
Day 21: Favorite Picture of yourself ALL TIME Why?
Day 22: What's in your purse?
Day 23: Favorite Movie
Day 24: Something you've learned
Day 25: Put your iPod on shuffle, first 10 songs
Day 26: Your Dream Wedding
Day 27: Original Photo of the city you live in
Day 28: Something that stresses you out
Day 29: 3 Wishes
Day 30: a picture of yourself this day and 5 good things that happened since you started the challenge
So I'll start by introducing myself, though I'm pretty sure my current readers already know who I am. My name is Ashton, I'm 21, six foot two, 220 lbs, I like long walks anywhere and everywhere, getting flowers, and almost any kind of food.
Recent picture:
And 15 facts... oh God...
1. Even though I haven't done it for about 6 months, I really like to do Aerial Silks. (Not me, duh, just an example.)
2. I love to do any kind of dance. Put some music on, and I will move to it.
3. I cry. About everything. It's stupid, but it happens.
4. My bedroom is always messy. Sometimes I'll get fed up with the mess and clean it, but it won't stay that way for long. I can't figure out why...
5. I'm a Ravenclaw.
6. I own six pairs of thermal underwear, and in the winter, I'm always wearing at least one under my pants. I can be cold, but I prefer not to be.
7. My favorite season is Fall, followed by Winter, Spring, and Summer.
8. My two favorite holidays are Halloween and Christmas.
9. When I meet someone new, or have the opportunity to, and this person could play out into my romantic life, I go anywhere, do anything, use anyone to meet/see/get to know them. I'm sorry if that's bitchy, but I know what I want and I know how to get it.
10. The only people I allow to be facebook friends with me are those I feel are going to be important to my life.
11. I'm a writer, and though I currently have five novels in mind, only scraps of one are saved on my computer so far.
12. I was born and raised LDS, fell away, studied tons of religions, found God, and then realized that religion wasn't right for me. I'm still spiritual, and I'm very comfortable with my relationship with God, and I don't need religion to tell me how to worship.
13. I have a hard time with forgiving and forgetting, toward myself and others. There are things I've said and done that nobody would remember, that I'm still not proud of. I'll say I'm over it, but there was something that happened over two years ago that still hurts to this day, and I don't know why.
14. I work at a hospital. I've seen things you can't even imagine. I've carried things you never knew existed inside of you. And I've driven an ambulance. Several times. Boom.
15. I'm royalty, and I will treat myself as such at all times. My favorite color, therefore, is purple.
I'm also going to give you day two because I'm going to try to keep up with Scotty and Lisha (yes, THAT Scotty and Lisha!)
My blog takes its name from Nathaniel Hawthorn's The Scarlet Letter. Duh. I actually agreed to read the book out of sheer vanity, because Scarlet appears in my name. In the classic book, Hester Prynne is discovered to be an adulteress, though she will not reveal the name of the father of her newborn child. She is therefore punished by being forced to wear a scarlet letter A across her bosom. During the course of the book, the letter A begins to stand less for Adulterer and more for Angel, due to her deeds she performs throughout her village. In my letters, I hope to take words and topics that are frowned upon, and transform them into something that can be openly talked about. I want my words to reach the masses and to open their hearts and minds.... that's my story.
Jumping on the band wagon,
December 27, 2011
Taylor Lautner comes Out and Proud y'all...
Or... not... :( I'm subscribed to Unicorn Booty, a gay news blog that I find charming. They have the perfect amount of serious news, balanced with hysterical crap that you just couldn't make up... Today they post this,
and I about had a heart attack... before I actually read the article, and realized it's a fake. BOO! But my question is this: Why am I so [excited/disappointed] at the idea that TayTay is [GayGay/No homo]? And I can name a few celebs that many people would like to see come out of the closet, gays and straights alike:
(by the way, I just typed into Google "actors that" and it finished for me "might be gay". OMGLOL...)
Zac Efron (my personal celeb crush [ask me about the dream I had about him])
Robert Pattinson
Tom Brady
Jake Gyllenhaal
George Clooney
John Travolta... oh wait... ha...
Then my question is: Why is it that we (read "gay men") get so excited that an actor might be gay? My only probable answer could be that if, say, Zefron, were gay, that would mean that one lucky guy would get topound that sweet be with him. Allow me to be the first to squash your hopes :)
Different websites are giving me different information about this, higher and lower, so lets just say the average male-to-female ratio is 1:1. According to a few studies, approximately 1 of every 3 men is gay. Zefron lives in LA, which has a population of 3,792,621. Using our sweet math skills, lets assume that there are 632,103.5 gay men in LA, and let's face it, that half-a-man doesn't stand a chance. If you are one of those 632,103 men, then you have a 1 in 632,103 chance of winning the Zefron! If you are not, there's some bigger math! Of the 312,851,569 people in the US, our happy little math game tells us that about 52,141,928 of them are gay men. If you are a gay man, in the US, you have a 1 in 52,141,928 ofsleeping with being with the Zefron.
So seriously... why are we so excited? Oh yea, because they're fun to look at :)
One of fifty-two-million, and hoping,
and I about had a heart attack... before I actually read the article, and realized it's a fake. BOO! But my question is this: Why am I so [excited/disappointed] at the idea that TayTay is [GayGay/No homo]? And I can name a few celebs that many people would like to see come out of the closet, gays and straights alike:
(by the way, I just typed into Google "actors that" and it finished for me "might be gay". OMGLOL...)
Zac Efron (my personal celeb crush [ask me about the dream I had about him])
Robert Pattinson
Tom Brady
Jake Gyllenhaal
George Clooney
John Travolta... oh wait... ha...
Then my question is: Why is it that we (read "gay men") get so excited that an actor might be gay? My only probable answer could be that if, say, Zefron, were gay, that would mean that one lucky guy would get to
Different websites are giving me different information about this, higher and lower, so lets just say the average male-to-female ratio is 1:1. According to a few studies, approximately 1 of every 3 men is gay. Zefron lives in LA, which has a population of 3,792,621. Using our sweet math skills, lets assume that there are 632,103.5 gay men in LA, and let's face it, that half-a-man doesn't stand a chance. If you are one of those 632,103 men, then you have a 1 in 632,103 chance of winning the Zefron! If you are not, there's some bigger math! Of the 312,851,569 people in the US, our happy little math game tells us that about 52,141,928 of them are gay men. If you are a gay man, in the US, you have a 1 in 52,141,928 of
So seriously... why are we so excited? Oh yea, because they're fun to look at :)
One of fifty-two-million, and hoping,
December 26, 2011
My bad... This blog is starting to go in the same direction as my YouTube channel: I'm really good at posting regularly for a little while, then it slowly peters to nothing... but I really do need to make a video soon... hmm...
Anyway. Santa was very good to me this year. I got a Nintendo 3DS and... some other stuff... but nothing really else mattered comparatively because I GOT A 3DS!!! I'm also in the "Awkward Texting" phase of what could be a new relationship. That's the phase between "Introduction/Number Swap" and "First Date". I'm hoping to meet him before this, but we're going to EVE together, which is a New Years Eve celebration that spans over 3 evenings. He seems pretty excited. I'm excited.
He's hot.
I really don't have much to say after that... I promised Facebook that I would do a rant about how bullied homosexuals are not just being bullied by homophobes but by other homosexuals as well, but at the time I was a lot more angry than I am now. I also talked to my mom, which is what I do when I'm totally lost, and she enlightened me on a few things. I was feeling super judged the night that I promised this rant. I walked past at least three obviously homosexual men at work the other day. I looked really good, especially because my uniform is basic black. All three turned their noses up at me... Not sure what that was about, but I was pissed. So I finished my shift and when crying to mom. I told her my story and she said this to me: "How do you know they were judging you? You're making a judgment of them, and a poor one, by thinking that. And who are these people anyway? Strangers on the street you'll never see again. So why should their opinions matter? You should only be upset when someone you know judges you harshly, and not because you've been judged, but because it's time then to disassociate with them."
My mother is the smartest person I know.
Judge me not, or do, because it doesn't matter,
Anyway. Santa was very good to me this year. I got a Nintendo 3DS and... some other stuff... but nothing really else mattered comparatively because I GOT A 3DS!!! I'm also in the "Awkward Texting" phase of what could be a new relationship. That's the phase between "Introduction/Number Swap" and "First Date". I'm hoping to meet him before this, but we're going to EVE together, which is a New Years Eve celebration that spans over 3 evenings. He seems pretty excited. I'm excited.
He's hot.
I really don't have much to say after that... I promised Facebook that I would do a rant about how bullied homosexuals are not just being bullied by homophobes but by other homosexuals as well, but at the time I was a lot more angry than I am now. I also talked to my mom, which is what I do when I'm totally lost, and she enlightened me on a few things. I was feeling super judged the night that I promised this rant. I walked past at least three obviously homosexual men at work the other day. I looked really good, especially because my uniform is basic black. All three turned their noses up at me... Not sure what that was about, but I was pissed. So I finished my shift and when crying to mom. I told her my story and she said this to me: "How do you know they were judging you? You're making a judgment of them, and a poor one, by thinking that. And who are these people anyway? Strangers on the street you'll never see again. So why should their opinions matter? You should only be upset when someone you know judges you harshly, and not because you've been judged, but because it's time then to disassociate with them."
My mother is the smartest person I know.
Judge me not, or do, because it doesn't matter,
December 20, 2011
How do you have a butter shortage?
Norway is in full fledged Butter-geddon right now. How does that even happen? And so quick too? I'm not one to watch a whole lot of news, so it feels like Butter-geddon just sprung up over night, but you would think that something like this couldn't have been sudden, more of a downward spiral into madness. But no. Butter-geddon.
Anyway, the most horrible thing to come from this butter crisis, by far, has been a young Norwegian man by the name of Chris Croc... er, rather... Tommy:
Now, I was told that I would greatly enjoy this video, but all I can think throughout the entire thing is "LEAVE BUTTER ALONE!!!" You're welcome.
On that greasy note,
Anyway, the most horrible thing to come from this butter crisis, by far, has been a young Norwegian man by the name of Chris Croc... er, rather... Tommy:
Now, I was told that I would greatly enjoy this video, but all I can think throughout the entire thing is "LEAVE BUTTER ALONE!!!" You're welcome.
On that greasy note,
December 18, 2011
Rick Perry: people actually support this man?
First, watch this:
His presidential ad, titled "Strong", is a load of crock. "... there's something wrong with this country when gays can openly serve in the military, but our kids can't openly celebrate Christmas, or pray in school." He's trying to compare apples to oranges here. We've all heard the GOP's DADT argument: "Gays shouldn't be able to openly serve because it's a distracting influence." "Homosexuality is an infectious disease." "We don't want our men romping in the trenches in the middle of a firefight." Blah blah frickety-blah. How exactly does that apply to our kids not being able to celebrate Christmas or pray in school?
My sisters have come home from school every day for the last two weeks with little informative activities detailing the different end-of-year holidays of mainstream religions: Christianity (Christmas), Judaism (Hanukkah), Islam (Ashura), and Buddhism (Bodhi Day). They even came home with a little page on Yule, which is a Pagan religion. HOLY SHIT, RICK PERRY, THEY'RE TEACHING MY SISTERS ABOUT WITCHCRAFT!!! Obviously they're not trying to convert my little sisters to Paganism, just as much as they're converting them to be Jewish, Muslim or Buddhist. I feel blessed that my sisters get to go to a school that would be so open minded about other religions, considering the predominant religion of the area is Mormonism (three guesses where I live).
I'm an advocate for keeping prayers out of schools. That may sound like I'm a cold, atheist bastard who hates Jesus, and that's okay, because I don't care what you think about me. Rick Perry is acting like the only religion in this country is Christian, which, once again, demonstrates his small- and narrow-mindedness (read "idiocy"). I tried to Google "How many religions are represented in the USA," and couldn't find a definite answer. And that's good. It means that America is a truly diverse country. We have many, many, MANY sects of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, "Jainism, Shinto, Taoism, Caodaism, Thelema, Wicca, SanterĂa, Rastafari movement, Heathenism, Kemetism, Paganacht, Hellenism, Asatru, Theodism, Odinism, Religio Romana, Druidry, Zoroastrianism, Jediism and many forms of New Age spirituality", just to name a few, and those who choose not to believe in anything at all. There is nothing wrong with that. To expect prayer in school would mean that everyone present would have to pray at the same time, probably in the same manner, most likely to the same deity, no doubt with a teacher or child at the front of the class, praying for the rest. But different religions have different prayers. They pray at different times and in different ways. Prayer was taken out of schools for this reason. Oh, and because public schools are government establishments (separation of church and state, bitch. Suck it!).
And speaking of separation, Rick mentions something along the lines of the government withdrawing funding for churches... Uh, duh, the government shouldn't have to fund religion. Hence, separation.
My point? I forgot. But Perry is an idiot.
Love and sodomy,
His presidential ad, titled "Strong", is a load of crock. "... there's something wrong with this country when gays can openly serve in the military, but our kids can't openly celebrate Christmas, or pray in school." He's trying to compare apples to oranges here. We've all heard the GOP's DADT argument: "Gays shouldn't be able to openly serve because it's a distracting influence." "Homosexuality is an infectious disease." "We don't want our men romping in the trenches in the middle of a firefight." Blah blah frickety-blah. How exactly does that apply to our kids not being able to celebrate Christmas or pray in school?
My sisters have come home from school every day for the last two weeks with little informative activities detailing the different end-of-year holidays of mainstream religions: Christianity (Christmas), Judaism (Hanukkah), Islam (Ashura), and Buddhism (Bodhi Day). They even came home with a little page on Yule, which is a Pagan religion. HOLY SHIT, RICK PERRY, THEY'RE TEACHING MY SISTERS ABOUT WITCHCRAFT!!! Obviously they're not trying to convert my little sisters to Paganism, just as much as they're converting them to be Jewish, Muslim or Buddhist. I feel blessed that my sisters get to go to a school that would be so open minded about other religions, considering the predominant religion of the area is Mormonism (three guesses where I live).
I'm an advocate for keeping prayers out of schools. That may sound like I'm a cold, atheist bastard who hates Jesus, and that's okay, because I don't care what you think about me. Rick Perry is acting like the only religion in this country is Christian, which, once again, demonstrates his small- and narrow-mindedness (read "idiocy"). I tried to Google "How many religions are represented in the USA," and couldn't find a definite answer. And that's good. It means that America is a truly diverse country. We have many, many, MANY sects of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, "Jainism, Shinto, Taoism, Caodaism, Thelema, Wicca, SanterĂa, Rastafari movement, Heathenism, Kemetism, Paganacht, Hellenism, Asatru, Theodism, Odinism, Religio Romana, Druidry, Zoroastrianism, Jediism and many forms of New Age spirituality", just to name a few, and those who choose not to believe in anything at all. There is nothing wrong with that. To expect prayer in school would mean that everyone present would have to pray at the same time, probably in the same manner, most likely to the same deity, no doubt with a teacher or child at the front of the class, praying for the rest. But different religions have different prayers. They pray at different times and in different ways. Prayer was taken out of schools for this reason. Oh, and because public schools are government establishments (separation of church and state, bitch. Suck it!).
And speaking of separation, Rick mentions something along the lines of the government withdrawing funding for churches... Uh, duh, the government shouldn't have to fund religion. Hence, separation.
My point? I forgot. But Perry is an idiot.
Love and sodomy,
![]() |
Oooh, so it was a biography... That would explain why he started going by Rick all of a sudden... |
December 17, 2011
BTDubs: Poop.
I'm loving that every one of my blogs has been rated "poop" so far. Seriously. It means my blog is being read.
I want my words out there, and by you reading, you are becoming a witness to my words. You will remember them. You will think about them. You will repeat them. It's human nature.
So thank you for participating in my social experiment. Keep pooping, my friends.
Love, luck, and fiber,
I want my words out there, and by you reading, you are becoming a witness to my words. You will remember them. You will think about them. You will repeat them. It's human nature.
So thank you for participating in my social experiment. Keep pooping, my friends.
Love, luck, and fiber,
Love vs. Hate, who do you think will win?
For those of you who haven't heard of this (and it's oooooold news) a while back (as in October 2010) a 16-year-old student was asked to leave class. Long story long, he walked into class on Spirit Day (a day where those who supported the LGBT community and were showing their respects for those who had committed suicide by wearing purple) wearing a confederate flag, I believe, on a belt buckle. The teacher in question, a Mr. McDowel, asked the student, Glowacki, to remove the belt buckle.
In case you don't know, you live under a rock, or if you're an idiot, the Confederate flag is a controversial symbol. Those from the South would say that it's a symbol of their southern heritage. Those from EVERYWHERE else would say it's a symbol of hate, oppression, and white power.
While I feel like asking this student to remove the belt buckle was infringing on his freedom of speech, what happened next made me want to infringe on his right to not be submitted to cruel and unusual punishment: after a debate, Glowacki asks, why can't I wear a confederate flag when the gays can wave their rainbow flag? ... like, srsly? At some point the student was asked to leave class, and later the teacher was put on unpaid suspension. Enter Graeme Taylor (another time, another story. Google him.).
First of all, it's Spirit Day, hence rainbow flags. As I already mentioned, it's a day of support for the LGBT community. When America decides to celebrate White Power Day, Mr. Glowacki, I want you to go to school dressed like a giant Confederate flag. Until then, I hope every time you turn around, there's a rainbow flag creepin' on you.
Second, whereas the Confederate flag is a predominantly hateful symbol, the rainbow flag is (kind of) a symbol of love (though depending on your area it's more a symbol of promiscuity, clique-y bars, and "cute" underwear... [I'm so getting whacked by the gay mafia...]).
NOW! Mrs. Glowacki, the mini-Nazi's mother, has hired the services of a Catholic law firm to sue the school district, claiming the teacher in question set up the little Hitler to be mocked for his religion. CHOO CHOO! The train's just pulled in from crazy town. How religion came into question, I'm uncertain... There's no way this can hold up.
I'll follow this story and inform you of the final, and most predictable outcome... If I remember... Whatevs.
Wanting more cute underwear than I have now,
In case you don't know, you live under a rock, or if you're an idiot, the Confederate flag is a controversial symbol. Those from the South would say that it's a symbol of their southern heritage. Those from EVERYWHERE else would say it's a symbol of hate, oppression, and white power.
While I feel like asking this student to remove the belt buckle was infringing on his freedom of speech, what happened next made me want to infringe on his right to not be submitted to cruel and unusual punishment: after a debate, Glowacki asks, why can't I wear a confederate flag when the gays can wave their rainbow flag? ... like, srsly? At some point the student was asked to leave class, and later the teacher was put on unpaid suspension. Enter Graeme Taylor (another time, another story. Google him.).
First of all, it's Spirit Day, hence rainbow flags. As I already mentioned, it's a day of support for the LGBT community. When America decides to celebrate White Power Day, Mr. Glowacki, I want you to go to school dressed like a giant Confederate flag. Until then, I hope every time you turn around, there's a rainbow flag creepin' on you.
Second, whereas the Confederate flag is a predominantly hateful symbol, the rainbow flag is (kind of) a symbol of love (though depending on your area it's more a symbol of promiscuity, clique-y bars, and "cute" underwear... [I'm so getting whacked by the gay mafia...]).
NOW! Mrs. Glowacki, the mini-Nazi's mother, has hired the services of a Catholic law firm to sue the school district, claiming the teacher in question set up the little Hitler to be mocked for his religion. CHOO CHOO! The train's just pulled in from crazy town. How religion came into question, I'm uncertain... There's no way this can hold up.
I'll follow this story and inform you of the final, and most predictable outcome... If I remember... Whatevs.
Wanting more cute underwear than I have now,
December 16, 2011
Thank you Jerry Sandusky
Here we go. The GOP is having a field day with this Jerry Sandusky thing. "You see?" says Michelle Bachman. "I told you!" says Mitt Romney. "All homosexuals are bestial and child molesters!" says Rick "Ignorant Shitface" Santorum.
No Michelle, no Mitt, no Rick. We're not. Jerry Sandusky isn't homosexual. He is a monster. Anyone who would prey on children, TEN-YEAR-OLD CHILDREN, regardless of gender, is a monster. I don't even know where this "Gays are child molesters" idea came from! I've tried to research it but nothing really comes up except radical right-wing propaganda. I can only imagine that it was people like Jerry Sandusky that began that nasty little rumor. He's married and as six adopted children and has taken in foster children as well (hide yo' kids, hide yo' wife), and in his free time likes to sodomize little boys in the locker room of Penn State, leading to the termination of the president of the school (because he knew or something?), and the riots of Penn State students and staff.
So thank you Jerry Sandusky. You've made it even more difficult for me to get married someday, adopt a kid, and avoid public scrutiny that I may or may not be molesting him/her. Thank you so very much.
Much less respectful than usual,
No Michelle, no Mitt, no Rick. We're not. Jerry Sandusky isn't homosexual. He is a monster. Anyone who would prey on children, TEN-YEAR-OLD CHILDREN, regardless of gender, is a monster. I don't even know where this "Gays are child molesters" idea came from! I've tried to research it but nothing really comes up except radical right-wing propaganda. I can only imagine that it was people like Jerry Sandusky that began that nasty little rumor. He's married and as six adopted children and has taken in foster children as well (hide yo' kids, hide yo' wife), and in his free time likes to sodomize little boys in the locker room of Penn State, leading to the termination of the president of the school (because he knew or something?), and the riots of Penn State students and staff.
So thank you Jerry Sandusky. You've made it even more difficult for me to get married someday, adopt a kid, and avoid public scrutiny that I may or may not be molesting him/her. Thank you so very much.
Much less respectful than usual,
December 12, 2011
Santa is real, you little shit.
I'm at work today when my manager asks this little girl what she wants Santa to bring her, to which this ... ahem... adorable little thing replies, "Excuse me? Santa is not real. Mommy buys everything I want."
Fortunately for both her and myself (for I am not above delivering a flying pile-driver to a four-year-old), her grandmother laid a verbal smackdown on her. She said, and I quote, "*Insert child's name here*, if your mother told you Santa isn't real, not only is he not bringing her any presents, she can forget about the box of presents from Grampy and me for y'all."
I wanted to openly point and laugh at the look of terror on that little girls face, for it was obvious to see that her mother had, in fact, told her child that Santa isn't real. Which brings me to my next question: What the fuck, Mom?! Why on earth would you tell your child that the magical fat man that brings you presents every year was a fraud?! I STILL GET EXCITED ABOUT THE GIFTS UNDER THE TREE FROM SANTA!!! Those are the gifts that my parents painstakingly stalked my facebook, twitter, and online diaries for a year to figure out what I wanted most. Those are the presents that they didn't take me to a store and say, okay, what do you need this year? A jacket? Some new jeans? School supplies?
Let me make this clear. Of course there isn't a Santa. But there is a Spirit of Giving. And Goddamnit, if that isn't enough of a "Santa" for you people, fuck you. I'm not going to tell you how to parent your children. But let me tell you, future co-father of my future adopted babies, if you so much as hint at the fact that Santa is more of an idea than a real person, if you say the words "Santa", "not real", and "meatballs" in the same sentence, and if you don't let my children take photos with every mall Santa they feel like pissing on the leg of, you can consider this future marriage over.
Fortunately for both her and myself (for I am not above delivering a flying pile-driver to a four-year-old), her grandmother laid a verbal smackdown on her. She said, and I quote, "*Insert child's name here*, if your mother told you Santa isn't real, not only is he not bringing her any presents, she can forget about the box of presents from Grampy and me for y'all."
I wanted to openly point and laugh at the look of terror on that little girls face, for it was obvious to see that her mother had, in fact, told her child that Santa isn't real. Which brings me to my next question: What the fuck, Mom?! Why on earth would you tell your child that the magical fat man that brings you presents every year was a fraud?! I STILL GET EXCITED ABOUT THE GIFTS UNDER THE TREE FROM SANTA!!! Those are the gifts that my parents painstakingly stalked my facebook, twitter, and online diaries for a year to figure out what I wanted most. Those are the presents that they didn't take me to a store and say, okay, what do you need this year? A jacket? Some new jeans? School supplies?
Let me make this clear. Of course there isn't a Santa. But there is a Spirit of Giving. And Goddamnit, if that isn't enough of a "Santa" for you people, fuck you. I'm not going to tell you how to parent your children. But let me tell you, future co-father of my future adopted babies, if you so much as hint at the fact that Santa is more of an idea than a real person, if you say the words "Santa", "not real", and "meatballs" in the same sentence, and if you don't let my children take photos with every mall Santa they feel like pissing on the leg of, you can consider this future marriage over.
December 11, 2011
Okay, but seriously.
No, really, I'm going to try to blog regularly now. Most of them are going to be rants. I won't apologize for that. I will also not apologize for offending anyone. These are my opinions. I don't have much, so let me have these.
Friends, if you like what you read here, please tell others about it. I have things to say, and I want everyone to hear them.
Better friends, if you have something to contribute, say something. I'd love to hear from you.
Best friends, this blog is a work in progress, and I will always welcome pointers.
I look forward to opening your minds and touching your hearts with my words.
Friends, if you like what you read here, please tell others about it. I have things to say, and I want everyone to hear them.
Better friends, if you have something to contribute, say something. I'd love to hear from you.
Best friends, this blog is a work in progress, and I will always welcome pointers.
I look forward to opening your minds and touching your hearts with my words.
May 14, 2011
"... And I'm Gay" ... So what?
I posted this rant on Facebook a couple of weeks ago. As promised:
I've been a Customer Service Representative. In my very first job, I ran midway games at Lagoon. Then I was a Courtesy Clerk for Albertsons. Then I was a cashier at my college. And now I'm a server at a restaurant and a valet at a hospital. It took me five years to realize it, but I've always been the face of any company I've ever worked for. Usually, the first thing a customer (or patient) has ever seen when walking into the establishment is me. So I try to make that experience the best for them. I love to make people around me happy, whether I know them or not. I'm a son, a brother, a friend, a lover... So why should I care that you are Mormon? That's right, I don't.
I have nothing against Mormons. I don't, honestly and truly. I'm uncomfortable having a religion (or any sort of opinion) forced on me, but that's the extent of my qualm. I understand that these "... And I'm a Mormon" ads are trying to portray Mormons as your average Joe, Jane, or family, but if you want someone to think you are normal, the presentation of this ad is NOT the way to do it. You don't see "... And I'm (Catholic/Buddhist/Protestant/Muslim/Episcopalian/Taoist/Jewish)" ads, do you?
A lot of gays will tell you that being gay is not who I am, it's just a part of me. (And then some will turn right around and be as stereotypical gay as humanly possible and make you think... "Nope, pretty sure your true blue gay through and through.) But these ads are basically saying that being Mormon is just that... Being Mormon. Granted, the ad says "AND I'm Mormon," so the "but" rule doesn't apply (when someone says [insert positive review of some subject here] BUT [insert negative review of same subject here], the BUT basically tells the mind to throw away the first portion of the statement {e.g. "I love you, BUT you're irritating."}), BUT!!! I feel like it is the same basic principle. If I were to have designed this ad, I would have said "I'm a Mormon, BUT I'm also a doctor, a teacher, a dad, blah-di-fuckety-blah..." to let the world know that, yes, I hold to these beliefs, BUT I am a regular person, just like you.
In short, if I ever see another "... And I'm Mormon" ad, I'm going to (figuratively) kill someone. That's my rant for the evening/really early morning. Good night... or day... or whatever...
I have nothing against Mormons. I don't, honestly and truly. I'm uncomfortable having a religion (or any sort of opinion) forced on me, but that's the extent of my qualm. I understand that these "... And I'm a Mormon" ads are trying to portray Mormons as your average Joe, Jane, or family, but if you want someone to think you are normal, the presentation of this ad is NOT the way to do it. You don't see "... And I'm (Catholic/Buddhist/Protestant/Muslim/Episcopalian/Taoist/Jewish)" ads, do you?
A lot of gays will tell you that being gay is not who I am, it's just a part of me. (And then some will turn right around and be as stereotypical gay as humanly possible and make you think... "Nope, pretty sure your true blue gay through and through.) But these ads are basically saying that being Mormon is just that... Being Mormon. Granted, the ad says "AND I'm Mormon," so the "but" rule doesn't apply (when someone says [insert positive review of some subject here] BUT [insert negative review of same subject here], the BUT basically tells the mind to throw away the first portion of the statement {e.g. "I love you, BUT you're irritating."}), BUT!!! I feel like it is the same basic principle. If I were to have designed this ad, I would have said "I'm a Mormon, BUT I'm also a doctor, a teacher, a dad, blah-di-fuckety-blah..." to let the world know that, yes, I hold to these beliefs, BUT I am a regular person, just like you.
In short, if I ever see another "... And I'm Mormon" ad, I'm going to (figuratively) kill someone. That's my rant for the evening/really early morning. Good night... or day... or whatever...
That's gay...
So I've recently come out... sort of...
I decided it was high time to reveal that I was interested in men on Facebook. I actually did this about a month or so ago, but I didn't have the blog then. Let me tell you what happens when you are male interested in men on Facebook... Oh my god, so many GLBT (but mostly G) ads all up and down your side bar... and I'm starting to get sick of it. I almost miss the "... And I'm Mormon" ads... I said almost... What the fuck, that's a lie... I'll have a post about that later...
Anyway, ever since then, not a Facebook sesh has gone by that I haven't seen at least five ads for SpeedDate.com. If you're familiar with any online dating site, you know that your first .0004 seconds is free, then they rape your credit card so you can see who your "Most Compatible" are. SpeedDate is no different. You join for free, create your account, and start browsing. All hunky-dory, right? Until you get a notification from Joe Bob Jr. who has winked at you. "Joe Bob Jr. has winked at you! Reply now?" Well, you think, he's good looking... Sure why not. *click* "Joe Bob Jr. only likes to talk to people who have verified their account. For only $.50 per month, you can be verified and view Joe Bob Jr.'s account!" Well, you think, 50 cents isn't that expensive... Sure why not. *10 minutes of entering your entire life's story into some verification page later* "Thanks Ashton! Here is Joe Bob Jr.'s account! Would you like to message Joe?" Well, you think, he seems like a good guy... Sure, why not. "Ashton, for only $39.95, you can message any of our members and start finding your soul mate today!" Now wait just a fucking second, you think, all of these hoops and now you want to charge me the same price as a gym membership? Fuck this, I'm going to Connexions... *another 20 minutes of unsubscribing and deleting your "membership" later* "But wait, Ashton, before you delete your account (please note, we will still keep you on record and e-mail you from time to time, no matter how many times you unsubscribe, just to piss you off), don't you want to at least try us out? Remember, with out us, you will be sad and alone for the rest of your life..." Excuse me, you think, how dare you? *throw computer out the window and go into the world and meet real people*
I'm sorry, I shifted from having my Facebook page stereotyping me as your run-of-the-mill homosexual to how infuriating dating sites can be. Shifting back..... Now. I can't even remember what Facebook used to advertise... But maybe it's time to start doing to these damn SpeedDate ads what I did to the damn "... And I'm Mormon" ads: "X" "Offensive" Nuff said.
I decided it was high time to reveal that I was interested in men on Facebook. I actually did this about a month or so ago, but I didn't have the blog then. Let me tell you what happens when you are male interested in men on Facebook... Oh my god, so many GLBT (but mostly G) ads all up and down your side bar... and I'm starting to get sick of it. I almost miss the "... And I'm Mormon" ads... I said almost... What the fuck, that's a lie... I'll have a post about that later...
Anyway, ever since then, not a Facebook sesh has gone by that I haven't seen at least five ads for SpeedDate.com. If you're familiar with any online dating site, you know that your first .0004 seconds is free, then they rape your credit card so you can see who your "Most Compatible" are. SpeedDate is no different. You join for free, create your account, and start browsing. All hunky-dory, right? Until you get a notification from Joe Bob Jr. who has winked at you. "Joe Bob Jr. has winked at you! Reply now?" Well, you think, he's good looking... Sure why not. *click* "Joe Bob Jr. only likes to talk to people who have verified their account. For only $.50 per month, you can be verified and view Joe Bob Jr.'s account!" Well, you think, 50 cents isn't that expensive... Sure why not. *10 minutes of entering your entire life's story into some verification page later* "Thanks Ashton! Here is Joe Bob Jr.'s account! Would you like to message Joe?" Well, you think, he seems like a good guy... Sure, why not. "Ashton, for only $39.95, you can message any of our members and start finding your soul mate today!" Now wait just a fucking second, you think, all of these hoops and now you want to charge me the same price as a gym membership? Fuck this, I'm going to Connexions... *another 20 minutes of unsubscribing and deleting your "membership" later* "But wait, Ashton, before you delete your account (please note, we will still keep you on record and e-mail you from time to time, no matter how many times you unsubscribe, just to piss you off), don't you want to at least try us out? Remember, with out us, you will be sad and alone for the rest of your life..." Excuse me, you think, how dare you? *throw computer out the window and go into the world and meet real people*
I'm sorry, I shifted from having my Facebook page stereotyping me as your run-of-the-mill homosexual to how infuriating dating sites can be. Shifting back..... Now. I can't even remember what Facebook used to advertise... But maybe it's time to start doing to these damn SpeedDate ads what I did to the damn "... And I'm Mormon" ads: "X" "Offensive" Nuff said.
May 13, 2011
I dig the blog scene...
Actually, I'm brand-spankin-new... So if anyone would be so kind as to help a kid out, thanks.
I created this blog to get some of my rants out, most of which are much too long for a Facebook status. I'll also do reviews, commentaries... other blog-y stuff.
I created this blog to get some of my rants out, most of which are much too long for a Facebook status. I'll also do reviews, commentaries... other blog-y stuff.
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